Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Create a Tinerme Japan, Now!!!

On the post before, I already mentioned about TM Japan. If you already play TinierMe, you will probably have an easy time playing JPTM, as many of the buttons to change clothes, etc, are in the same places. However, JPTM has a LOT more features than TinierMe, so get ready to learn some new stuff!

Tip: If you are using Google Chrome, you can turn on English translation, which should help you navigate. You won't be able to translate the text that is in images, however.

Step 1: Enter your email address

 Access Japan TinierMe by going to This will be the first screen you see if you have never visited before. Get your account started by simply inputting your email address in the box on the right, and then clicking the large orange button below it.

Step 2: Go check your email 

You will see this screen next. It's telling you to go check your email, and click on the link within. If you don't see the email from atgames, check your junk folder or wait a little longer.

Note: If you do not get the email within 10 minutes, you may need to try again. I have confirmed that Gmail accounts receive the email from atgames.

Step 3: Open your email and click the link inside 

Open the email from atgames (it will probably be the only email in your inbox that's in Japanese) and simply click on the link inside.

Step 4: Design your first Selfy!

Once you click on the email confirmation, you are ready to make your Selfy! You can pick one of the premade Selfies on the left (click the orange button below the character if you want one of these), or click the button on the right to design your own. I designed my own because you get a better selection of eyes and hair that way!

Step 5: Pick your starter clothes 

You can select one of the starter packs at the bottom (it will include some items for your room as well), and then pick whichever eyes and hair you want. Use the orange arrow buttons to scroll, and simply click on the item you want to select it.

When you are done, click the orange button on the bottom right.

Step 6: Enter your registration details

This page is a little long, so bear with me. It's basically the same registration page as TinierMe, with a few differences.

Line 1: This is your email address.
Line 2: This is for "mobile address". Since you probably don't have a Japanese cell phone, just leave it blank. It's not required.
Line 3: Create your user ID (the ID you will use to log in.) You can use any characters, English or Japanese is okay. Click the orange button next to the box (ID Check) to see if the ID is already taken. If it is, it will suggest some for you to use.
Line 4: Create your password. (Note: you do not have to use a symbol like on TinierMe, but it never hurts to make it very secure.)
Line 5: Retype your password.
Line 6: Check the button on the left for male, right for female.
Line 7: Enter your birth year. Use the dropdown box to select "shown" on your profile, or "hidden". The default is "shown".
Line 8: Enter your birth month, then day.
Line 9: Enter your Nickname. This will be the name that is displayed over your Selfy, and the name others can use to find you on the site. Again, you can use any characters, Japanese or English, and use the orange ID Check button to see if the name is taken.

The next 3 lines are asking if you want to subscribe to 3 different kinds of mail from atgames. The left option is YES, the right option is NO.

Line 10: Subscribe to the mail magazine: this email provides news about new events/gacha/etc.
Line 11: Game Guide: this is a few emails that help you get started on JPTM. Since it might contain some free items, I clicked yes.
Line 12: Reaction mail: I'm not sure what this is, but I think you get sent an email whenever someone sends you a MiniMail or friend request. I clicked no.

Line 13: Enter the Captcha and you're done! Click the orange button to finish.

Step 7: Confirm 

Confirm that everything you entered is correct, and accept the Terms of Service by clicking the large orange button. If you want to make changes to your Selfy, you can click the bottom left button.

Step 8: You're ready to play! 

Your account is ready to go! You might get a few pop-up notices, these are telling you that you received your daily 100 Goodsel just for logging in, and that you received a free newbie item.

One thing I like from TM Japan is No G-Coins required! if you can play smarter, with Goodsel, you can get some great items. Prove that!! ♥(>̯┌┐<)•°


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